Wednesday of the Twelfth Week of Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


“In the spirit and power of Elijah, John will go before the Lord to prepare a people worthy of him.”

This antiphon, taken from Lauds for today’s feast, beautifully captures the entire theme of this week, to go before the Lord to prepare a people worthy of Jesus Christ. We have been reflecting on the summons to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ, a journey of overcoming fear and self-righteousness. On any journey, we need a guide, and today, we have one.

John the Baptist is a unique and colorful character, the last of the Old Testament prophets who proclaimed repentance, righteousness, and the coming of the Messiah. He wore wild animal skins, ate honey and locusts, and lived deserted regions. He is the epitome of the person we have been describing: he feared no one, he spoke the truth to everyone, he first was righteous himself and rejoiced at Jesus’ coming.

While we may not be called to live in such a radical way as to being an itinerant street preacher, his life is something we must take seriously. His whole being was filled with the Spirit of God and reflected that power. He was radically transformed toward the coming of Christ. Are we the same? Are our entire lives filled, as John’s was, with that same Spirit? Will our births be rejoiced because we brought Christ to those who need him?

In the spirit of John the Baptist, let us proclaim, with everything we have, the coming of Jesus Christ the Redeemer.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB