Monday in the Octave of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


“If Christ is not risen, then our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins.” That the resurrection actually occurred is as important to us today as it was to Jesus’ followers on the day of Pentecost when Peter spoke to the people of Jerusalem and when Matthew wrote his Gospel.

For us monks, even more is at stake, because our whole way of life is built on this faith in Jesus, crucified yet risen from the dead. We are doubly fools if He is not truly risen, for not only has our faith been in vain, but our whole way of life would be rendered absurd.

On the other hand, our willingness to give our lives in the hope of a resurrection like His is part of the proof that He is, in fact, truly risen from the dead. The early disciples, beginning with the two Marys, could never have given their lives if they were not certain that He had risen from the dead. Our faith in Jesus’ resurrection rests not just on a story in the scriptures, but also on the lives and faith of every believer since that first day of the week 2000 years ago.

Reflection: What sacrifice am I willing to make today that shows I believe that Christ rose from the dead?

Reflection by Abbot Benedict Neenan, OSB

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