Monday of the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


The story of the vineyard of Naboth depicts the epitome of injustice. Ahab covets Naboth’s vineyard and his wife Jezebel shuns all moral boundaries in order to obtain it by plotting Naboth’s death. (His death is a foreshadowing of Christ who was also falsely accused and “led out of the city” to be crucified.) This story is replayed today in the cries of all in our world who suffer injustice at the hands of men or women who are intent upon satisfying their craving for self-gratification, power and wealth. These pleas for justice are further intensified in the responsorial refrain from Psalm 5: “Lord, listen to my groaning.” The psalmist recalls God’s justice: “For you, O God, delight not in wickedness…The bloodthirsty and the deceitful the Lord abhors” (Ps 5:5,7b).

The gospel from the fifth chapter of St. Matthew describes the attitude that the Christian is to have when faced by “one who is evil.” “When someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well” (Mt 5:39-40). Our instinctive reaction is to lash back with an “eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But Jesus presses us further: “Give to the one who asks of you; and do not turn your back on the one who wants to borrow” (Mt 5:42).

These are challenging words for us today. Turning the other cheek in the face of injury calls us to an inner stance of humility and a willingness to let go of retaliation and the “need to be right.” We cannot do this alone. It does not come naturally to us. We need superhuman strength to aid us: “Heed my call for help, my king and my God!” (Ps 5:3).

Reflection by Br. Michael Marcotte, OSB