Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Today's Mass Readings


In military combat when a column of soldiers is moving forward, there is usually someone assigned to “take the point.” This person is the first to lead the group into danger and is responsible for the safety of those who follow. In many ways, the figure of St. John the Baptist might fit this role of “taking the point.”

Today’s feast of the birth of John the Baptist is filled with amazing signs that indicate that this was no ordinary birth. In fact, this child had a very special mission in life. It began when his father was left speechless after an angel appeared to him and predicted not only the conception and birth of this “miracle child” but even more, his appointed name. Amazing things continued as this unborn child literally jumped for joy in recognition of the presence of the unborn Jesus, when his mother, Elizabeth, greeted Mary who was pregnant with the Son of God.

The role of John the Baptist as herald and prophet reached its full and most dangerous level when he challenged his listeners to turn their life around through baptism and prepare for the Messias. He humbly pointed away from himself and drew attention to the person of Jesus.

Perhaps more than ever before, each of us is called to “take the point” today to courageously and faithfully point to the person of Jesus in our midst, no matter what the personal cost for the sake of the common good.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB