Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Patience is a challenge. Imagine the terror and frustration of Jairus, the synagogue official who desperately pleaded with Jesus to come heal his daughter who was on the brink of death, when Jesus stops along the way to question a crowd and speak to someone. The crowd itself was enough to slow Jesus down, delaying his arrival and intervention, but then he stops to talk to a woman hiding among the crowd. Jairus knew that his daughter was in danger, but he also trusted that Jesus had the power to heal her.

We often want God to act on our time and in the way that we expect. Sure, we turn to God in faith that our prayers will be answered, but the Lord tests our faith by intervening in our lives in unexpected ways and at unexpected times. Our needs seem very urgent in the moment, but God will answer them in the right moment and in the best way. Jairus seemed to understand this as he never expressed frustration as Jesus was delayed in reaching his daughter and continued with Jesus to his house after she was declared dead.

The power of faith in the midst of what appears to be a hopeless situation is the message of this passage. The suffering woman had sought every treatment for many years without healing but trusted that she would receive it just from touching Jesus’ clothes. Likewise, even death could not prevent Jesus from healing the daughter of Jairus. If we lose faith in the Lord because our prayers were not answered in the way or the timing that we have in mind, then it was not faith at all.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB