Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


One Exception

Today’s reading from the Book of Genesis is the second story of creation. Did you know there was a second version? It is different from the six days of creation and a seventh day of rest. This version begins with the creation of the first man—out of the clay of the ground. The Lord God gives him one responsibility—to cultivate the ground and care for all the trees. And the Lord God gives the man complete freedom—with one exception:

“You are free to eat from any of the trees of the garden except….” (Gn 2:16-17)

Wait, what does it look like? Which one is it? Can I even look at it? Maybe I shouldn’t, lest I be tempted. I’ll just carry on with my work over here. Cultivate it? Okay, I’ll spend the least amount of time around it, though. Gee, gosh, now I’ll think about it all the time. I sure hope I don’t accidentally eat from it! Get into some trance. I wonder what’s in it that would be the end of me. I’ll try not to think about it. I hope I don’t forget this one exception…

For the Journey:

Have you ever been given one exception? One rule? Think of the innumerable rules and laws and regulations there are today in your life. What’s your attitude toward them? Pick one and pray about it.

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB