Christmas Weekday – January 6

Today's Mass Readings


“On coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens being torn open.” Imagine the scene: you look up and see dazzling lights, lightning and fire, and what seems like the day sky ripping apart to reveal the night sky, and with it, a booming voice says, “you are my son!” What an entrance; what a sight!

This is what Christ saw, and in line with the Old Testament, a great commission is accompanied by grand visions. What does it mean, the sky being torn open? One reflection is that God spoke, the world was created, chaos was tamed, and the earth was made. In the flood, chaos ripped the world apart to be remade. Now, Jesus sees even heaven being torn apart so that he can transform all things. This is Christ’s commission of being the one who is to remake all things.

We often experience this tearing apart of good things; health, work, and family can sometimes be torn apart. If we call on Christ to enter that chaos, he can remake it, bring it back to health, and bring us back to peace. Trust in Christ, and he will remake what is destroyed.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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