Christmas Weekday – January 7

Today's Mass Readings


A simple but sometimes overlooked reflection on the wedding feast of Cana is that we are called to genuine human joy. We, of course, are called to have our hope on the future joy that we will receive in heaven as our true and everlasting joy, but God did not make us suffer and be downtrodden. We must learn to accept and find grace in suffering, but that is not why we were created. We were made for peace, love, and joy with God and our neighbor.

I encourage you today to find or create joy with family and friends. Have a good meal, sing, and even have a drink (moderately and appropriately, of course), so that your heart is cheered and your body refreshed. Christ, in today’s great miracle, recognized that there is a time and need for festive rejoicing. We are still in the Christmas season and so rejoice! Take the time to rest in God’s love, use God’s creation wisely and prudently to enjoy family and friends, and be strengthened for tomorrow.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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