Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Today's Mass Readings


In so many ways the story of creation in the Book of Genesis unfolds like a progressive symphony. It reaches its climax when God creates man and woman and declares it to be “Very Good!” This ancient wisdom story highlights every aspect of creation and indicates that creation has purpose and value simply because God has touched it.

A living faith allows the mental stretch of saying and believing that God’s “fingerprints” are to be found and revered in all that we touch in our daily lives. This belief has been systematically ignored and rejected in our secular society. And yet we can pray for the wisdom to penetrate the temporary surface of things and marvel at the deeper layer of God’s presence and transcendence. This is not a mere passing thought as we “wonder” how it is that God’s divine touch is all around us. We are called to a daily choice of responding with personal care-giving out of gratitude and yes, sometimes even awe.

Our caregiving is not theoretical, but rather, comes with a personal cost and sometimes feels gritty. It is all encompassing, from the womb to the tomb, from the classroom to the jungle, from the slum to the penthouse. Each of us has an unfinished symphony within God’s unfinished symphony. We pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to play our part as best we can and seek a new harmony with one another for the sake of the common good.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB