Feast of St. Bartholomew, Apostle

Today's Mass Readings


In our first reading from Revelations, an angel gives us a tour of God’s most beautiful Jerusalem. She is God’s spouse, wife of the lamb. Jerusalem gleams and shines in her splendor. Protecting this beautiful bride of God is a wall with twelve foundation stones, with the twelve apostles’ names on them. We honor today the apostle St. Bartholomew, who is a protector of God’s bride. The apostles are our fathers of old who first received the call to serve Jesus. Today, we are the recipients of God’s call. We are charged with spreading the faith, that is the Church, the spouse of Christ. And just like the apostles of old, we are the living foundation stones that watch over the Church, protect her, and defend her. She is our gem, our precious stone that gives us faith, strength, and life. Let us take up the call, share the Church with others, and always be living stones that watch over her.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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