Feast of St. John, Apostle and evangelist

Today's Mass Readings


The series of feast days during this Christmas Octave week and their liturgical readings remind us of a wonderful family Christmas banquet. Just when you think all the food is on the table you’re surprised with yet another dish or course which adds another level of delight.

Yesterday the feast of martyr St. Stephen was a powerful presentation of service and truth culminating in his ultimate witness of martyrdom. Some spiritual writers of the past have referred to dying for the faith as a red martyrdom while giving total commitment to living the faith on a daily basis constitutes what they called a white martyrdom.

Can we not say that today’s feast of St. John, apostle and evangelist, easily fits into the white martyrdom category? What better example could we find than someone who not only physically followed in the footsteps of Jesus and witnessed the power of Jesus teaching in synagogues and open spaces, but he also experienced the compassion of Jesus touching the needs of all who approached him with an open heart. It was John who was recognized by the early Church as having a special closeness and companionship with Jesus. This companionship persevered through the ultimate journey to Jerusalem and the climax of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

John, the beloved apostle, brings a special gift to our Christmas celebration. We are grateful for his example of incorporating the Good News and the Spirit of Jesus into his teaching and his long and holy life.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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