Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Today's Mass Readings


Seminarians of Conception Seminary College are our daily reflection writers for the first half of November. Every day will feature a reflection from a different seminarian. This is an opportunity for our seminarians to put their education into practice and connect with the people of God in a pastoral way.

Today is the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, one of the oldest churches in Rome, erected in the fourth century. It is the seat of the Bishop of Rome, that being the Pope. The Lateran Basilica is a building built by men to worship God. As Saint Paul tells us in the second reading, “You are God’s building.” We are temples of God, not built by man, but by God himself. Since the day of your baptism, the spirit of God has rested in your very soul. The spirit of God in our hearts is what inspires us, consoles us, aids us, guides us, and engulfs us. It engulfs us with the fire of God’s love. That fire must be tended, lest it go out. How do we tend the fire of God’s love dwelling in our hearts? By prayer and reception of the sacraments. They are the fuel for that fire.

Being docile to the Holy Spirit is one of the greatest things we can do for our lives. Being aware of the workings of the Holy Spirit allows us to draw ever closer to the God who created us. In this tumultuous world in which we live, let us stop and reflect on how the Holy Spirit is working within us.

Reflection by Andrew Todd, seminarian
Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph

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