Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's Mass Readings


Every family has family stories. These are the stories that children love to hear over and over as the elders share their memories within the family circle. Perhaps the story of Mary crossing the Judean hills on a solo journey to visit and assist her cousin Elizabeth qualifies as one of those beloved family stories with many levels of meaning.

It is a story that flows from surprise beginnings. The surprise of an angel announcing to Mary that she is to be the mother of God is beyond comprehension. Almost as if providing proof for the improbable, the messenger informs Mary that her cousin who is beyond normal childbearing age is also pregnant. What better motivation would Mary need to visit her cousin than to share their secret surprises and also offer genuine assistance?

The story takes listeners to the highest level of delight and happiness as we imagine these two women exchanging greetings and praising God for such great favors. But at this point, it was just the beginning. In their delight, they could not have known the full implication of the future John the Baptist, still in the womb, but already acknowledging the presence of the long-awaited Messiah.

This is not a family story just for the sake of nostalgia. No matter how familiar the story might be for us, the fact that God chooses the most natural of human experiences to teach us of the ways and will of God is truly extraordinary and always worth retelling.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB