Fourth Sunday of Advent

Today's Mass Readings


Well, here we are, it’s Christmas Eve, and we’ve just participated in one of the shortest Advent periods. But before jumping into tonight’s celebration, let’s look at what our readings for the Fourth Sunday of Advent are trying to tell us. From our first reading from Second Samuel, we hear how King David is now resting from all the battles and wars. He’s settling into his palace, and it comes to his mind, that he has failed to provide a beautiful temple for the Lord God. This should have been his first priority, but we’ll let him pass on this, the important thing is that he wants to construct and build a magnificent temple for God. Not a tent with a dirt ground that’s been God’s temporary dwelling, but a temple with walls and floors gleaming, shining, and looking clean, all in due respect to show reverence and love for God. This is the kind of temple King David wants for his Lord. Let’s move to the gospel now. It is the Annunciation story, the angel Gabriel comes to Mary and announces that her womb, her temple, will bear the Son of God. To be this honorable vessel, God made Mary, pure, holy, clean from sin, and beautiful, all to bear the Messiah. Mary accepted, and by accepting acknowledged the importance of her role, the importance of her womb, and the importance of her temple.

My friends, our bodies are temples made for God. On this last day of the Advent season, how have you prepared your temple to receive our Lord? What kind of cleaning have you done with your soul? What does your heart look like right now? In these last few hours of Advent, brothers and sisters, make things clean and have a pure heart and soul so as to participate in this Wonderful Exchange.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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