Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter
When is the last time you were commanded to do something? We are often told what to do in order to accomplish a task correctly, or we might be reminded of our legitimate responsibilities. But to be commanded is something many of us are not used to, especially if it is something that impinges on our freedom.
That is what happens today in the Gospel, Jesus commands us to love. That seems like an easy commandment, one we are all on board with, at least until it is difficult to love. Yesterday’s feast is a poignant example of this. Imagine a coworker and friend suddenly betrays you, your leader, your faith, everything—what kind of feelings would you have toward this person? Would it be love?
Jesus, in commanding the disciples, commanded them also to love Judas Iscariot, the betrayer. Jesus commands you to love those men and women in your lives who have hurt you, abandoned you, betrayed you. He doesn’t offer it as a kind suggestion, an “if you feel like it,” no, he commands it.
Love is a choice, even in the most challenging situations, to offer yourself to another in radical care for them. This might take the shape of forgiveness, of patience, of letting go – any number of things. What must be certain, however, is that, in those moments, you offer your life for their benefit, for their salvation.
Who has hurt you deeply? Do you love them as Jesus commands you to?
Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB
Posted in Daily Reflections, Lenten Resources