Friday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Shrewd Silence and Simple Speech

…A moment of silence… Can you hear it? Perhaps not right now, as you read these words of mine. But perhaps today, you will have a moment of silence, a moment to yourself, in which you find yourself and your God.

In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus advises his Apostles to be “shrewd as serpents and simple as doves.” (Matthew 10:16b) Shrewdness is a trait marked by clever awareness, even artful cunning. Compared to the animal behavior of a serpent (or snake), Jesus gives a vivid picture of how his Apostles should act in the world. Yet, he combines shrewdness with simplicity, a character trait that seems to be on the opposite end. Simplicity is the state of being uncomplicated, innocent, and perhaps a little naïve. Jesus compares it to the animal behavior of a dove (or pigeon), which often is prey to a snake. Jesus must mean for us to strike a balance between the two, or else we must discern situations in which to be more shrewd or more simple.

In a flood of words, you will not avoid sin.

This saying (Proverbs 10:19a) is cited by St. Benedict in his chapter on “Restraint of Speech.” I think there is a profound connection to be made between Jesus’ shrewd and simple disciples and Benedict’s silent and soft-spoken monks. Come and experience silence for a day (for a week!) at an Abbey, and you will notice how much unnecessary talk there is in the world and how sweet the silence can be. You will wonder how you ever lived without it!

For the Journey:

Resolve to make a silent retreat, however long you can manage and wherever your experience will be optimal. Start planning your retreat with us:

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB

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