Friday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


The last few days have provided snapshots of St. Paul’s last missionary journey. He knew even before arriving in Jerusalem how things would end. We all knew.

There was no self-glorification and no self-pity. He had worked too hard for things to end so pathetically.

There was his conversion to Christianity and the pain of knowing he had persecuted the Church. There was the anger and violence inflicted by his former friends.
There was the joy and suffering of establishing several Christian communities.
There were the debates, the shipwrecks, and the countless 40 lashes minus one.

Through encounters with chief priests and the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, to appearing before King Agrippa and other potentates; the stage was getting larger. Every step to Rome had to count.

The focus, now as always, is to will the good of another. The Messiah had to suffer for the salvation of mankind. St. Paul would proclaim that light to all people (Acts 26:23).

Reflection by Br. Jacob Kubajak, OSB