Friday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


It is easy to think that we are good people, but we fall short more often than we like to admit or are capable of noticing. Because of this reality, it is good for us to examine our lives and see what is going on. Today’s readings provide an excellent opportunity and source for that reflection. Today, let us reflect on various questions that our readings pose and ask, am I like this?

Do I go to Mass because I must, waiting to leave so I can go watch TV or some sport, or do some other activity? Am I invested in my faith? Am I honest with people? Are my words uplifting, honest, and helpful when I speak, or do they put down or cheat others? Do I treat others, especially the poor, with kindness and generosity? What do I think of them, is my internal thoughts and heart loving, or are they judgmental and condemning? Do I give more trust and faithfulness to things that are not good for me, or do I give that devotion to Christ and his Church?

It hurts to answer these honestly if we are honest, myself included. Yet, as the Gospel says, we must realize that Jesus has come to us who are weak to make us strong and healthy. Let us rely on the grace of God and be healed.

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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