Friday of the Thirty-third Week in Ordinary Time
Jesus finally arrives at the Temple in Jerusalem. Here, He drives out those who were selling things. Jesus accuses these merchants of turning the Temple into a “den of thieves,” when it was meant to be a “house of prayer.” (Leave it to Jesus not to be subtle.) Jesus then starts to teach in the Temple area. The Chief Priests and local authorities wanted to get rid of Him, but they couldn’t. The people who heard Him speak were completely taken by His teaching, “hanging on His words.” Jesus spoke with a passion and purpose that were captivating.
Such is the power of the Gospel. It draws people to us, and yet it also carries a bitter responsibility with it. People don’t always want to hear the Truth. The Truth seems to be something that some will accept and reject based on fashion instead of its own sake. John in Revelation receives the scroll from the angel and consumes it. It tastes sweet, yet is sour to his stomach. This is symbolic of the message we Christians carry. We speak the truth of the Gospel. It’s sweet to some, yet it’s not pleasant to all who hear it. This doesn’t mean the truth changes, but that people respond to the truth in different ways. Someone tells John in his vision to “prophesy again” to the World. That message is for us as well. We are called to continue to bear the Gospel message during a time of pandemic and upheaval.
In his latest Encyclical, Fratelli Tutti , Pope Francis offers a timely message of fraternity and compassion for others in the face of Worldwide conflicts and division.
How can we be open to messages God gives to us? And are we willing to share them with others?
Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB
Posted in Articles for Lent, Daily Reflections, Lenten Resources