Friday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Last week on the Memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe, in choir the monks heard a letter from Maximilian Kolbe to his brother Friars. The central theme of his letter was LOVE. He was exhorting his brothers to use love for all things that they do. Love is the force behind forgiveness, humility, and sacrifice. He closed the letter quoting St. John of the Cross, “we experience love when we bring love to that place where no love exists.” It’s no surprise in our gospel today that Jesus says love is the greatest thing, love God and love neighbor. This, LOVE, comes with the job. We can do the motions (sign of the cross), say our prayers, and go to Mass, but if we cannot love, we are not Christian. The world, more and ever, needs more love, which drives patience, forgiveness, understanding, and peace. Be love. St. Rose of Lima, pray for us.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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