Friday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


When a man comes to seminary to discern the priesthood, he engages in a process that we call “formation.” The candidate undergoes evaluations of his character, health, pastoral skills, spiritual life, and academic ability. Nothing is left off the table. Seminary is a blessed time in the life of the Seminarian and one that shapes who they are and where they will go.

The flip side is that it can be disappointing to leave seminary and not be ordained. I was in the seminary for four years, and I know many who have felt this way after leaving. People who made the sacrifices necessary to go to seminary and then left sometimes felt like they did not achieve what they felt called to do. This is true as well for women who join religious life and then do not go on to final profession.

I say all this knowing that God ordains to guide those to find their true calling through it. It is not a dishonor to leave the seminary or religious life. This is quite the opposite. I know so many who have gone on to contribute amazing gifts to the Church. My whole point is that God uses our experiences to come closer to him and go on to greater service. This is the beauty of our calling. Jesus says to us again and again, “Do not be afraid.” God wants all of us to follow His Son unreservedly in our calling and in our service to the Church.

Lesson: Pray for priests today. Those who have come and those who will come. Pray for religious brothers and sisters as well. Finally, pray for all vocations that many will be called forth to generous service in the Church. We are never without need of our sacramental priests and spiritual leaders. Pray and ruminate on how you yourself can lead people in the Church, in your own way and your own time. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB

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