Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary

Today's Mass Readings


For these reflections, I want to offer meditations that have less verbiage and invite you to search for insight within yourself. We read the story of the Good Samaritan who came upon the man who was robbed and left to die on the road. Reciprocity is the key here. When a person does something for another, it is natural to want to give the person something back in return. These relations usually extend to the people we know within our own circle of influence. Jesus Himself, in telling a story about a Samaritan who helped a stranger. It seems to stretch the usual boundaries of reciprocity. While human relations are usually limited to the familiar, God’s grace extends to the other. As Jesus said to the student of the law who questioned him about the greatest commandment, “go and do likewise.” Let us aim to treat all people as our neighbor.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB