Memorial of St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious

Today's Mass Readings


In the first reading of today’s liturgy from the 2nd Book of Kings (11:1-4, 9-18, 17-18), we find the story of Joash, the child who was destined to be king, and how he was hidden away in the temple of the Lord for six years to protect him from the wicked Athaliah. Jehoiada the priest unseated Athaliah from her throne and restored Joash as the rightful king. He suppressed the worship of Baal and renewed the covenant between God and his people and between the king and his people. The responsorial psalm recalls this covenant made with the people of Israel: “The Lord has chosen Zion for his dwelling” and “Your own offspring I will set upon your throne” (Ps 132:13, 11).

The gospel from Matthew 6:19-23 is Jesus’ familiar reminder to examine where we have placed priorities in our lives: “Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” What do you value most in your life? The “treasures” of this world—honors, riches, power, even life itself—vanish all to quickly from our grasp. Joash found refuge and safety in the temple of the Lord. God was clearly at center of his life (at least in his youth) because he lived in the presence of the Lord. He relied completely upon God’s protection and care for him.

How can we live in the presence of the God and make Him that which we treasure most in our lives? Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection (1614-1691) gives us this beautiful reflection: “[God] is nearer to us than we are aware. And we do not always have to be in church to be with God. We may make an oratory of our heart so we can, from time to time, retire to converse with Him in meekness, humility, and love.” St. Paul reminds us: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 1 Cor 3:16. Yes, God can be found within the inner sanctuary of our hearts and if we abandon ourselves to His loving care, He can become the axis of our lives, an ever-present source of strength, protection and refuge.

Reflection by Br. Michael Marcotte, OSB