Memorial of St. Anthony, Abbot

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s first reading is known well by many people. The story of David and Goliath is not a story of David’s strength or bravery, but it is a story of his deep faith and trust in God’s strength and glory. He says to the Philistine giant, “You come against me with sword and spear and scimitar, but I come against you in the name of the LORD of hosts.” David was strong because his strength, his courage, and his whole life came from his faith in the LORD. We too are called to a faith in which we can slay the giants in our lives. The things that we feel we cannot conquer will fall like the giant for our struggle or sin or the evil before us is not greater than God who is our Rock.

We are called to live our lives for God and in trust of God’s strength as David did. Jesus in today’s Gospel also shows us that to live a life for God is to have not only strength in the face of evil but to also have deep compassion for our fellow man—even when it is hard to do. Jesus knew that the Pharisees were after him and that if he cured the man on the Sabbath, they would use it against him. But his love and compassion were not hindered. We too must be compassionate with strength and courage and not remain silent like the Pharisees. Let us not anger Jesus by our silence or grieve Him with our hardness of heart, but instead, let us be compassionate and loving, and trust in God’s strength so that we might reveal His great glory and shout out, “Blessed be the Lord, My Rock!”

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB

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