Memorial of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr

Today's Mass Readings


The Lord made us, we belong to him. Ps. 100

I am frequently drawn to the writing and example of St. Ignatius of Antioch. He is, indeed, one of the most profound witnesses of the Early Church. His writing holds within it a healthy realism that shows the full cost and reward of discipleship. He knew what it meant to give one’s life fully to the Lord. He wrote in one of his letters that Jesus’ cross is an invitation. It is an invitation to come closer to God through selfless love and sacrifice.

We are called to martyrdom as well. Yes, I did just say that! All Christians are called to holiness, and to be holy we are called to be martyrs. Now, don’t unsubscribe because that seems radical. The word martyr literally means “witness.” Not all of us are called to death by persecution. The vast majority of us are called to be daily martyrs. We witness by our lives every day. Matthew Kelly says it very well: We can open ourselves to Holy Moments where we give ourselves over to God’s will in holiness. That in turn builds slowly and surely into a long-lasting life of holiness. We may not give our lives in martyrdom, yet we give martyrdom to life.

Let us pray with St. Ignatius that we can bring life to others as witnesses to God. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB

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