Memorial of St. Monica

Today's Mass Readings


“You pay tithes of mint and dill and cumin and have neglected the weightier things of the law:  judgment and mercy and fidelity.” A passage from the gospel reading of Memorial of St. Monica. We need to remember to remain faithful and that simply performing religious duties, such as tithing, isn’t sufficient on its own. They must come from a heart that desires God for they are not an end of themselves but must lead us into a deeper relationship with our God. If the cup of our soul looks clean on the outside but is tainted and impure on the inside, then what it dispenses can still make others sick.  For if the soul is unclean, we neglect what we have received from God. The example of his Son Jesus, who gave all so that we might be cleansed and enter his perfect love. We must fear his judgment out of Love for his law which sanctifies us. We must have mercy on those who have wronged us and receive mercy when we have sinned. We must remain faithful to our calling so that we might, though the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, become purified and sanctified, and thus become an example that leads others into the Love of Christ. 

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB

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