Memorial of St. Philip Neri, priest

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s gospel is the famous story of Jesus asking Simon Peter, “Do you love me.” Not just once, but three times! You can look up in theology books to see what the scholars say about this. Me, I have my own idea of why Jesus did this. A reminder that right before this Jesus appears to them on shore, Simon Peter and the rest of the disciples are out on the boat fishing. They notice it is the risen Lord, but don’t dare ask Him if He is the Lord when they are enjoying their breakfast.

Why don’t they say, “Hey Jesus, it’s you?” I don’t think they said that because they are embarrassed. We can’t forget these were the guys that abandoned him at the hour of his death. They were ashamed of what they did. It’s like a student getting in trouble and being sent to the principal’s office. How do they walk in? With their heads down.

Now back to the passage. Jesus asked Simon Peter three times, “Do you love me.” I think Jesus wanted to hear from Simon Peter, “I am sorry.” Sorry for letting Jesus down. Jesus didn’t hear that and asked again, and a third time. And no “I’m sorry” from Simon Peter.

We are all sinners, we all make mistakes. When we do wrong, we gotta be able to go to Jesus and tell him, “I am sorry.” This is the only way that we are going to grow and learn from our mistakes. Take responsibility for our wrongs, apologize for them, and be made brand new again by Jesus’ love and mercy. St. Philip Neri, pray for us.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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