Memorial of St. Pius X, Pope

Today's Mass Readings


I was reading a Gospel reflection, and a sentence stuck out as if God had taken a bright yellow highlighter and clearly marked it for me. The line read: “No love can ever fill your heart like the love of God.” This statement could not speak the truth more clearly, yet I think about how often we try to find substitutes for the love of God.

When we come to experience and know God’s love, it is somewhat similar to other loves and enjoyments in this world, but God’s love is so much greater. The delights of the interior life, the graces and blessings God can and will give us in prayer far surpass anything that this world has to offer. When you truly experience this delight, you rejoice in God’s goodness and how He gives us a foretaste of the Kingdom to come. I’m convinced of this reality, but I also have to take time to remind myself of it and experience it daily.

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Sit with this familiar verse from the Gospel and allow the words to penetrate your heart. God’s grace will work and remind you of His profound love for you if you are willing to give the Lord the time in silent and prayerful meditation.

Reflection Question: What is the Lord speaking to my heart in the silence?

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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