Memorial of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church

Today's Mass Readings


The Scripture readings for today seem to highlight the word “disappointment.” The whole book of Job seems to be an example of “disappointment” on steroids! What more could happen to an upright person who had followed all the rules and yet saw his treasures come tumbling down around him? “That ain’t fair!” might well be the unspoken complaint yelled at the heavens.

Does the Gospel of Mark give us another case of “disappointment” on the part of the early Christian community? It’s the oral history of the story about Jesus embarking on his final trip to Jerusalem. He and his followers are stymied by religious prejudice of a town which refused safe passage. The rigid blindness of a small group upended the progress of the gift-bearer who could have offered them new personal freedom and spiritual insight.

How do we deal with disappointment? Perhaps it feels like an unexpected speed bump! First there is surprise, then frustration, and maybe some damage to our shock absorbers! It truly hurts and shakes up our plans. After the first jolt we have some choices to make. We can foolishly prolong and justify our disappointed feelings. Or we can reconsider our options and take the long view toward our ultimate goal with whatever resources we have at hand. It happens that St. Theresa of Lisieux, whose feast we celebrate today, has a simple suggestion which she called the Little Way. She reminds us that the choice to love, in union with the Lord, can indeed change disappointments into something totally new and amazing. Do we dare to love that deeply?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB