Memorial of Sts. Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

Today's Mass Readings


There are several places in the Gospels where someone asks Jesus what is needed to follow him or what is necessary to be saved. Jesus’ replies are clear – obey the commandment, love God, and love your neighbor; sell what you have and follow me and more. He has told us that our goal is to be like the tree planted near running waters that yields good fruit. To be a faithful follower of Jesus is simple, even as he put it “the one who does the will of my Father.” We hear part of it today, listen to my words, and act on them. Hear the Word, really listen to that Word, take it to heart, make it part of you, and finally ACT on it. Hear, Listen, Absorb, Act. That is what it takes to be his disciple and to bear good fruit in every age.

Reflection by Fr. Peter Ullrich, OSB

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