Memorial of Sts. Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Today's Mass Readings


It is easy to forget the many blessings we have received when focused on something missing from our lives. While traveling through the desert, the Israelites complained about a lack of food. Never mind that the Lord had worked great wonders to free them from slavery in Egypt. Even the parting of the sea could not confirm their faith that the Lord would provide for their needs. They did not even think to ask the Lord for help but only complained that they could have remained in Egypt, and remained in slavery for the sake of food.

The saints we celebrate today, Sts. Joachim and Anne, had far greater faith than the Israelites in the desert. They had reached old age but were without children, which was a sign that the Lord had not blessed them. Rather than complain about their sufferings, however, or abandon their God for some other idol in search of what they wanted, they remained steadfast in their faith, focusing on the blessings they had received instead of children. Then, in his own time, the Lord granted them the blessing of a child—the child through whom God would come into the world, Mary.
All of us experience difficulties and frustrations in our lifetimes, and it may seem that everything is going against us, but the Lord works for our good even in the midst of the difficulties and bestows his greatest blessings when the time is right. Let us stand firm in our faith and trust that the Lord is always with us and at work for our good.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB

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