Memorial of Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

Today's Mass Readings


There are two gospel options today, I’d like to reflect on the first option, John 11:19-27. This particular passage is a favorite of mine. In fact, when I worked in a parish, I recommended it to families who were preparing for Funeral Masses for their loved ones. In this gospel, we see sadness, anger, hope, and firm faith. These are emotions that we can all identify with. And Martha shows them all to us in this short story. She has the sadness of losing a loved one and she’s brash enough to go up to Jesus and be angry with him. Angry that he wasn’t around to save her brother Lazarus. But that anger quickly turned to her faith which taught her that, if she believed in Jesus, her brother wasn’t dead, he was alive. What beautiful, strong faith Martha teaches us! As we remember our loved ones that have passed on, let us have Martha’s faith, that they live again because we believe in Christ the Redeemer. St. Martha, St. Mary, and St. Lazarus, pray for us.

Reflection by Fr. Macario Martinez, OSB

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