Memorial of Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus

Today's Mass Readings


Friends of Jesus
Today is somewhat of a new Memorial. It used to be just the Memorial of St. Martha. Martha’s sister and brother, Mary and Lazarus, have been included in today’s commemoration. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, “considering the important evangelical witness they offered in welcoming the Lord Jesus into their home, in listening to him attentively, in believing that he is the resurrection and the life…has decreed that July 29 be designated in the General Roman Calendar as the Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus.” (Decree, Prot. N. 35/21) So, we gladly welcome Martha, Mary, and Lazarus into our spiritual reflection today.

We remember Martha best from how Jesus called her out on being preoccupied with serving: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.” (Lk. 10:41) But we should also remember that it was she who confessed belief in Jesus’ true identity: “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.” (Jn. 11:27)

We remember how Mary was the one who sat at the feet of Jesus, like a disciple, listening to his teaching (see Lk. 10:39), and it was she who anointed Jesus’ feet in anticipation of his burial (see Jn. 12:3, 7). It was also this Mary from whom Jesus cast out seven demons (see Lk. 8:2), and who first saw Jesus after his resurrection, confusing him for the gardener (see Jn. 20:15).

We remember Lazarus as the one who got sick and died four days before Jesus came to see him. Jesus’ love for him was apparent; it was over him that Jesus wept. Yet, it was through him that Jesus showed God’s glory by raising him from the dead, in the sight of everyone, including his sisters, Martha and Mary (see Jn 11:1-44).

These were Jesus’ friends: Martha, Mary, and Lazarus. And they considered him to be their friend, too. In this Memorial, we are reminded of Jesus’ humanity and of his personal involvement in people’s lives.

As Christians, we are friends of Jesus. Do you experience Jesus as a friend? How might you express your feelings of friendship for Jesus today?

Reflection by Br. Luke Kral, OSB

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