Monday after Epiphany
In today’s first reading from the first letter of St. John, we hear that, “We receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him.” Upon reading this, the first thing that may come to mind is that we can get whatever we want as long as we follow a few commandments and laws. But with a closer reading we see those key words, “what pleases him.” We have to do more than just follow a few commandments and laws. We must grow deeper in love with our beloved Jesus, and we do this by living in his commandment of Love. We must desire the commandment of belief in our Lord Jesus and grow into a deeper love for our brothers and sisters that God brings into our lives.
By desiring to live in love of our Lord and of one another we will remain in our Lord and grow into a deeper union him who loves us so deeply. As we progress in our lives with Christ, our desires and wants will become more and more conformed with His divine Will and thus what we will desire to ask of him will become the very thing that will please him. We will be given the strength, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to stand up against the evil spirits that are trying to pull us away from his love. And when we begin to struggle or lose faith we must remember that we “belong to God,” and because we are his children, we will conquer those antichrists of this world. For we who sat in darkness have seen the light that drives away all evil and brings everlasting life.
Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB
Posted in Articles for Christmas, Daily Reflections