Monday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


I am struck by today’s Gospel because of the initial joy and desire of the rich man. Jesus tells the man what he needs to do, according to the Law, to attain eternal life, but the man was already following the law from his youth. The rich man had a desire to do more because the Spirit was working on his heart; he did not know what to do but knew he had to do more. Jesus looks into his soul and sees this desire and love. So, Jesus tells him, sell all you have, give to the poor and then follow me. But the rich man, although he had the desire, did not have the courage to take the next step. Even with the promise of treasures in Heaven, he is saddened.

Oftentimes, we can become overwhelmed by our journey of faith; it can feel that He is asking too much. We must have faith in His gaze of love toward us. Jesus is waiting for us to give Him our whole self, to follow Him, and to embrace His divine love for us. In our journey of faith, we will come to a point, like the rich man, that the Spirit is guiding us to approach Jesus. Are we willing to truly listen with the ear of our hearts to Jesus? Are we willing to be Loved by Him?

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB