Monday of the First Week of Advent

Today's Mass Readings


Sometimes I encounter people who are so distraught because of their sins and past failures that it makes me think: “The problem isn’t their sin, but it’s them hanging on to their sins.” When we approach Jesus with a contrite heart and admit our guilt, He has told us that He will forgive us our sins—but, do we trust Him at His word? The fact is this: We are all sinners, and we are all unworthy. It was never about our ‘worthiness’ in the first place. We need to get over our tendency to be self-focused and begin by redirecting ourselves to God’s goodness and mercy.

The centurion was right in expressing his unworthiness before God, and so are we. But what is pleasing to Jesus is faith. Real faith. Real trust in the Son of Man. What would it look like to entrust this day entirely to Jesus? What causes you the greatest trepidation when you consider this invitation?

Reflection by Fr. Paul Sheller, OSB

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