Monday of the First Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


Have you ever wondered if there is a difference in motivation to follow a posted list of “dos and don’ts” and the motivation to follow a spoken list of “dos and don’ts” by someone you know? Maybe our own childhood experience or raising children can add some insights here. I suggest that our Lenten readings today can touch on that question.

The first reading from the Book of Leviticus provides only a snippet from the long list of regulations (613 in fact!) to be found there. Perhaps today’s list from Leviticus doesn’t seem overly dry because it is presented as coming from Moses who is quoting God. But even with that, the voice of God seems to be far off and dependent on one of the prophets.

How different is the discussion of “do’s and don’ts” in today’s Gospel? Here, there is no middle man. In a very jolting revelation, Jesus points out His personal relationship with each of us in mind, heart, and conscience. This living presence of Jesus within us becomes the motivation to respect authentic law and reach out in compassion to others. This becomes the source for the interpretation to fulfill the intent of the law. In other words, our response to authentic law is based on our intimate knowledge and respect for the mind of the divine law-giver. Our neglect or rejection of authentic law is subject to the judgment of our own informed conscience and therefore cries out for reconciliation when needed.

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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