Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Storytelling seems to be a special skill. We’ve all heard a good storyteller who can capture our attention with a story that is colorful, short, and to the point.
Our readings for today are filled with gripping stories. The first story coming from the Book of Genesis (a treasure chest of Biblical stories!) presents some of the colorful adventures of Jacob who is always getting in and out of tight spots. Today it’s the story of a desert shrine, a dream, and a vision of God promising him a vast inheritance. His ongoing story is about exercising stewardship over that gift from God.

The Gospel for today contains a story within a story. The connecting thread throughout is Jesus responding to the particular needs and the courageous faith of those who approach him. The Gospel begins with an official who had the faith to publicly ask Jesus to come to his home and somehow revive his daughter who had just died. We can imagine a crowd pressing around Jesus to hear every word. The next layer to the story is added when the woman with the hemorrhages has the desperate courage to reach out and touch his garment without making a formal face-to-face request. Notice what Jesus does when he turns and sees her so close to him. Responding to her fear as well as her faith, He calls her “daughter.” The final wrap-up of the story comes when Jesus makes the house call for the official and replaces sadness with the joy of the little girl being restored to life and her family. These stories are windows allowing us to see the love and compassion of Jesus in action.

Reflection: What is your own personal story of how Jesus came into your life and brought healing and deep peace?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB

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