Monday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Today’s gospel reading is a very interesting one. Fr. Vincent Lampert gives great commentary in his book, Exorcism, The Battle Against Satan and his Demons. I remember him saying after the demon had been exorcised, the man who was possessed by Legion wanted to go with Jesus. But Jesus tells him, “No!” Rather, Jesus says “go back to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.” It’s about moving someone who was afflicted by the devil and isolation into a loving caring community.
In this gospel it is all about community, I know for me when times got rough being a hospital chaplain and experiencing difficult situations, I needed community. If I was isolated, the devil would play on my mind and lead me down roads that I didn’t want to go down. That is why I am a monk, that is why I have a wonderful community who cares and loves me just as I do the same. That is why there is the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, a community that loves each other. I want to encourage you, especially if you feel alone and isolated to get out there and visit your own church community and help them out anyway that you can, even if it is as small as the family, the domestic church. Church just doesn’t end after mass or a service. It goes on in the home, too, with prayer and love.
Reflection by Br. Maximilian Burkhart, OSB
Posted in Articles for Ordinary Time, Daily Reflections