Monday of the Fourth Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


Today is the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. Human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, have the dignity of being sons and daughters of God. This dignity is not to be taken lightly. As we progress from children to adults, we, in a sense, go from being sheep to being shepherds. We take on some responsibility for God’s creation (stewardship), including the creation of new life.

The audacity of God to give so much power to his creatures! Even to the point of giving Joseph and Mary dominion over the child, God the Son. Joseph and Mary needed humility to shepherd the child in virtues (love, peace, gratitude, etc.), while still acknowledging their own need to be shepherded by God.

In such a faithful household, many good works were accomplished.

Reflection by Br. Jacob Kubajak, OSB

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