Monday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Today’s readings offer vivid ways to grasp and appreciate the Glory of God. Understanding or describing this divine glory is as challenging as defining things like beauty or love—both are felt deeply but resist simple explanation. We use music, art, and poetry to fully experience these concepts.

When we receive information—whether through a vision, dream, or conversation—how often do we truly grasp its full implications or approach it with an open mind and heart? Many of us may filter news or our experiences, focusing only on what we find easy or distressing. When Jesus informs his disciples of his upcoming death and resurrection, they are unwilling or incapable of truly grasping the situation. They seemed to focus only on the death part, missing the promise of resurrection. This raises the question: how attentive are we to the complete truth, the mysteries, and the Glory of God? Are we willing to wrestle and be changed by an encounter with God and his majesty, no matter the situation?

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB

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