Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Yesterday we explored some thoughts about searching for what is truly wonderful in our life. The effort to discover the good and wonderful will also uncover the reality of our weaknesses and sins. Which of the two categories should capture our close attention?

Perhaps the Scripture readings for today can shed some light on this important question. Fasting, along with offering sacrifice, in the time of Jesus was considered the normal way of dealing with evil. We find Jesus being questioned as to why the disciples of John the Baptist, and the Pharisees followed those customs, but the apostles of Jesus seem to have been dispensed.

While he did not deny the presence of evil, Jesus makes the point about choosing to focus. Jesus taught that commitment to the divine power and wisdom of his mission demanded that his followers give their full attention to allowing their lives to be transformed. It was a case of “first things first.” The apostles were called to seize the moment which meant a new capacity, new wine skins, to respond to the gift given to them. Even though they struggled with their human weaknesses they accepted the challenge to finally and personally come to know this Jesus of Nazareth.

What about us? To what or to whom do we give our most basic attention? If we are convinced that we were personally chosen from the time of our baptism, why would we not follow the One who shows us the way?

Reflection by Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB