Monday of the Second Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


If someone needs to gather within himself the confidence to have a job interview or speak in front of a large audience, there is a simple thing one can do. For two to five minutes before the event one stands up straight, plants his feet wide, and raises hands high and broadly above the head. This is what is known as the power stance. It can be seen in nature when an animal is threatened it does its best to make itself look big and intimidating. The power stance posture does not simply put one in the best mindset, however, but it has been clinically demonstrated to release hormones that give a person confidence. If one does this enough over time, it will actually change the once nervous or timid personality to a much calmer and more confident one.

Jesus commands us to be merciful, to stop judging, and forgive that we may be forgiven by God. I often tell penitents in confession that the Lord had to command us to forgive precisely because it does not come naturally to us. However, we can adopt a power stance of forgiveness. We don’t fake it until we make it, but perhaps we attempt forgiveness until we become it. We keep saying that we forgive the one who hurt us and we pray for the grace of a conversion of heart to mean it. Over time our willing offering of giving as the Father does will effect a change in us. Then still more abundant gifts, “a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap.”

Reflection by Fr. Pachomius Meade, OSB

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