Monday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Today's Mass Readings


Easter celebrates Christ’s victory over death and our calling to receive His gift of Eternal Life. The whole Easter season is like a “victory tour.” We know that Christ has risen and that we carry that message forward. Yet this victory comes with the Cross. We are never without the weight of the Cross as long as we are in this mortal veil. Jesus promised the Disciples he would be with them always. He also promised that trials would follow them. He even warned them about being expelled from Synagogues and being killed. Jesus did not promise comfort to His followers. He promised that they would be victorious. This victory is still unfolding.

This week we will hear about St. Paul’s missionary journey. We will hear quite a hard story about his imprisonments and trials. Today the Apostles have a brief respite. Lydia is baptized and welcomes Paul and the others into her home. The walk of victory in the Christian life carries with it moments of blessings along with trials. Without good friends in the Christian life, no one could endure. When we testify to Christ we never walk alone. We have true friends with us. We can learn the importance of relying on others when we struggle in the Christian life.

Brothers and sisters, in victory and in defeat, we never walk alone. We have Christ with us. We also have the most faithful of friends, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit testifies to Christ and testifies through us. Let us never stop running the race. Amen.

Reflection by Br. Matthew Marie, OSB

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