Monday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


Determination is a valuable trait when it serves the proper ends. Great accomplishments usually come with road blocks and pitfalls along the way. It would be easy to give up and pursue something less daunting, but determination can help us overcome the obstacles that lie in our path. Tony Melendez was born with no arms but did not let that stop him from learning to play the guitar, a gift he has offered in performance as a witness to perseverance and of God’s grace. He dedicates his music career to praising God and has even performed for popes and presidents.

As inspiring as Mr. Melendez’s story is, he attributes all of his success to God, who guided him and enabled him to overcome the obstacles in his path. It is important to note that he was on the path that God had in mind for him. We can be determined to accomplish great things, but battling through difficulties to accomplish our own goals will not help us to find God if we are on the wrong path. In that case, our determination stems from pride and harms us.

In the Gospel, a man confronts Jesus and asserts that he will follow him anywhere, but Jesus has not explicitly called this man to follow him. Perhaps it is his vocation to walk with the Lord, even to the point of martyrdom, but Jesus gives warning that he has no earthly home for rest. This man may follow him and in doing so discern what God’s will is for him. His determination will help him to do so, but he must also be willing to submit his own will to God’s and set his determination on what God desires of him.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB