Monday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


The term “blessed” can also be translated as “happy.” When it comes to performing works of service, we don’t automatically think of how they make us happy. More often we groan in anticipation of the work and the time that we are giving up for someone else. Others may do well to focus on their responsibility and carry out their work without complaint, but they don’t necessarily think of themselves as happy. However, once we are actually engaged in the work and mindful of how it benefits other people, we generally experience a sense of peace and joy amid our service. It is the same joy that God knows from caring for us, His beloved children.

God does not have to give us His time, attention, or care. We certainly don’t deserve it, but God freely chooses to love us and to provide for our needs, despite our many failings. We have nothing to offer to God that He does not already have, but He welcomes us into his presence with joy nonetheless, and this should be our mindset when we perform works of service and interact with those in need. Engaging the rich and powerful may seem more pleasurable and likely to bring us rewards in return, but it cannot offer the same peace and joy that we receive from serving those in need.

Reflection by Fr. Victor Schinstock, OSB

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