Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


What a curious phrase of Jesus: that this generation is only given the sign of Jonah, and that Jesus is that sign. What does this mean? There are two ways to answer this.

First, Jonah, if you remember, was in the belly of a great fish before being hurled onto the shore of Nineveh, where he then preached. These three days were a miraculous event that changed Jonah, at least a little. After his death, Jesus will rest for three days in the belly of a tomb, from which he emerges and continues to preach. Jesus’ resurrection becomes a great sign to the world’s people, for, without it, our “faith is in vain.” One believes in Christ and new life if one believes in the resurrection.

Second, Jonah walked through the city of Nineveh, an enemy of Israel, and they believed. Jonah’s words changed the hearts of the people there. Another sign that we have received is the preaching of the Gospel, “Repent and believe!” In the same way, Nineveh repented and believed; we, too, are asked to be similarly moved by the words of Jesus.

A final point. If we fail, even as Christians, to see and respond to these signs, the generations who have listened will rise and condemn us. Where does that leave us if we have seen the great and mighty works of God and not believed? So, I urge you to listen and believe!

Reflection by Fr. Etienne, OSB

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