Monday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time

Today's Mass Readings


I am struck by a strong contrast in today’s readings. First, we have St. Paul giving thanks to God the Father for the Thessalonians, praising them for their love for each other and their flourishing faith even through persecutions. In contrast, we hear Jesus saying to the crowds and disciples, “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites…blind guides.” He reproaches the scribes and Pharisees for their misguided and corrupted practices. But I wonder are these to reading really contrasting. I would propose that they are not. In both cases, St. Paul and Jesus are addressing the people out of love for them. St. Paul is encouraging the Thessalonians to remain in the love and the faith they have received. He is strengthening them by reminding them of the just judgment of God that will bring them into His Kingdom and by telling them they are not alone for they have his prayers and the prayers of the Church. Jesus is saying the “woes” to help the people see the right and the wrong way to worship and follow God. He does this so that they might not be hypocrites and blind but may see the true path to God’s Kingdom through love and devotion to God and each other.

We should follow the example of Jesus and St. Paul and encourage our brothers and sisters through our love for them and our constant prayers for them. And at times we must, in the love of Christ, show them the right path if they have gone astray so that we might all glorify God together and, through His merciful love, enter as one Body into his eternal life.

Reflection by Br. Placid Dale, OSB

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