Pentecost Sunday

Today's Mass Readings


Today we celebrate the Church’s birthday and the mission that the Holy Spirit gave to Our Lady and those gathered in the upper room—to go out and spread the gospel. As our responsorial psalm says today, “Lord send out your spirit and renew the face of the earth.” We are called to do the same just like those in the upper room when the Holy Spirit gave them tongues of fire. Our very own hearts should be set afire with the Holy Spirit! As our alleluia verse says for today “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”

I know I have mentioned this story before but I believe it hits the point. When I was in Texas on a trip, I needed a haircut. I stopped by a barber shop and the barber and I talked and I told him that I was a Benedictine monk and my main job was to pray for people. This kid who was 18 years old and cutting my hair said to me, “Since it is your job to pray for people, could you pray for my newborn baby and my girlfriend?” I said, “Absolutely! Would you like to pray now?” and he said, “Can you teach me?” Once I started off with the sign of the cross, all the rest of the barbers turned off their clippers and they along with the customers joined in on our prayer. After the prayer was over, I gave him three miraculous medals along with everyone in that barbershop. The Holy Spirit moved me to pray for him and his baby and girlfriend and to give everyone in that barber shop in Texas a miraculous medal, which they all greatly appreciated. I thanked God for using me as a vessel and for spreading His gospel message to those there.

As Jesus says in the gospel today, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Jesus sent me, and I brought peace and we prayed. This is what we are all called to do. Is there a way you can do this for someone you know? Or maybe a total stranger? Keep your heart and mind open and make sure they are on fire with the Lord’s love—not only for that person who you may encounter but for yourself too!

Reflection by Br. Maximilian Burkhart, OSB

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