Reflection for Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent

Today's Mass Readings


Promises made by God are a tricky thing, at least from our perspective. Think about it for a moment. God promises great things: eternal life, his enduring presence, help in times of distress, and so forth. However, it seems that often, almost too often, these promises are long in coming or merely absent. Is God ever going to do what he says he will?


It may seem strange, but God is offering the gift of his promises right now. We must realize that God treats us like adults, capable of responding, growing, and adapting to far greater promises. A wise parent would not go out and buy a $100,000 violin for a ten-year-old who showed an inkling of interest in music. The child would simply no appreciate the gift nor understand its significance. As the child grew and proved capable of being responsible and dedicated, the parents would gift greater and greater instruments.

God treats us the same. We want things now and quickly, but we would fail—and often fail—at appreciating the promises he has already offered us. God desires that we grow in appreciation, responsibility, and dedication as he wants to give us greater and greater instruments of grace. Abraham grew to trust and appreciate the promises given to him, although he would never see them.

Let us recognize the gifts we have, be appreciative of them, and let them change us so we may be ready to receive greater and greater gifts.

Reflection: Take the rest of the week and write down three things you are grateful for each day. Then look back. You will be surprised!

Reflection by Fr. Etienne Huard, OSB